
Maine's Best Bargain Store

Purveyors of insurance salvages, closeouts, bankruptcies, liquidations, and good old fashioned deals.

13 Unique LocationsMaine's Best Discounts

Unexpected Deals

We sell a wide variety of goods from overstocks, closeouts, liquidations, and natural disasters. Get quality products at the biggest possible discounts!

We Buy Differently

Our merchandise comes in limited quantities, and once it sells, it’s gone for good. Visit often, as no day is the same and every store is different.

In-store only

We’re not your typical retailer. We don’t sell anything online. Get our great deals in-store only, and get them quickly as the best finds sell out fast!

Made for the hunt

We live for the satisfaction of a crazy good deal. Every day is a new chance to hunt for feel-good finds that’ll keep you coming back for a lifetime.

What might you find?

A constantly changing selection from our top categories.

13 Unique Maine Locations

Each store is different—think different merchandise and different deals. Pick a favorite or stop by a few and find smart ways to save more.

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